Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery in Patients with Depression Disorders

Results of the study showed that obesity may increase the risk of a patient having a depression diagnosis. In a specific weight loss procedure, sleeve gastrectomy, it was found to produce weight loss in greater than 90% of patients, who also showed reduction in depressive symptoms.

5 Tips:

  1. Determine positive reinforcements for yourself to provide incentives for you to continue this journey.
  2. Identify ways that family and friends can help you along the journey.
  3. Discuss with family and friends how you want them to be involved in your journey.
  4. Focus on aspects of yourself that you like.
  5. Along your journey track your thoughts about yourself in a journal to see how your self-esteem improves.

Post weight loss surgery was shown to have improvements in family relationships, self-esteem and produces a high index of satisfaction, mainly due to the observed weight loss.

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